Dr. Morris believes, and I strongly agree, that couples are most likely to bond securely when they have not rushed the dating experience. Time is the critical ingredient. - James C. Dobson
Whenever you come upon a free supply of high-quality corn, provided unexpectedly right there in the middle of the forest, be careful! The people who put it there are probably sitting nearby in a stand, just waiting to take a shot at you. Keep your eyes and ears open! - James C. Dobson
And I pray that the pieces of her broken world will come back together. - James C. Dobson
Third, it is helpful to seek advice from those who are spiritually mature and solid in their faith. A godly counselor or pastor can assist you in avoiding the common mistakes that confuse many young people. - James C. Dobson
When you understand that everything you buy is purchased with a portion of your life, it should make you more careful with the use of money. - James C. Dobson
He sees those tears in your eyes. He knows the desire of your heart. And you will hear from Him-just in time to take the next step. - James C. Dobson
Fifth and finally, do nothing impulsively. Give God an opportunity to speak. Until He does, stall for time and concentrate on the first four approaches. - James C. Dobson
If you understand this basic concept, it becomes clear that every spending decision is a spiritual decision. Waste, for example, is not a squandering of our resources. It is a poor use of His. - James C. Dobson
Sin has invaded God's creation, and we live now in a fallen world. - James C. Dobson
When our little bit is combined with His greatness, the team is unbeatable. - James C. Dobson
Sometimes we're so concerned about giving our children what we never had growing up, that we neglect to give them what we DID have growing up. - James C. Dobson
If we can prevent just one marriage from disintegrating--or just one child from suffering the loss of a family--our effort will be justified. - James C. Dobson
Therefore, a search for God's will should begin on your knees. He will meet you there. Remember that Jesus promised, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you" (Matthew 7:7). - James C. Dobson
Some tragic mistakes are often made by those who acquire the reins of control before their maturity is adequate to handle it. - James C. Dobson
I think people need to recognize that those of us who have been so much influenced by violence in the media- in particular pornographic violence- are not some kinds of inherent monsters. We are your sons, and we are your husbands. And we grew up in regular families. - James C. Dobson
Just continue to "walk in the light" you have been given, and leave the future in God's hands. If He is calling you to do a job, He will make it possible for you to care for your family and overcome any other barriers to that responsibility. - James C. Dobson
It has been my observation that whatever a person hungers for, Satan will appear to offer in exchange for a spiritual compromise. - James C. Dobson
A proper bond between two people is severely damaged if the process is rushed. - James C. Dobson